Lose Weight & Feel Great in 8

An 8-Week Journey to redefine your relationship with food and your body in a healthy, kind, & sustainable way!




Tired of trendy programs that never seem to get you the results you want? Tried everything and nothing seems to work?

Feel Great in 8 is an 8-week online Nutrition, Wellness, & Lifestyle program designed for real change, for real people, no matter how busy their lives are. No counting calories or obsessively weighing food. There are NO DIETS here, this is about gaining a deeper understanding of what to eat when to eat, and how foods impact your body, weight, mood, energy, sleep, and overall health. Say Yes! to delicious tasting meals made with whole, live, natural foods that nourish your body from the inside out.

Not your Average Weight-Loss program

I had to many clients coming to me in my practice with the same story, the same negative self-image, stuck in the yo-yo-dieting trap, & nutritionally depriving themselves. As someone who is a firm believer in intuitive eating, self-love, and the body positive movement I never planned on focusing on “weight-loss” in my practice. But the more and more women kept coming with the same story and the same goals. This drove me to ask the question, “Where is the middle ground? Can Holistic Nutrition, Whole Foods, Intuitive Eating Concepts, Growth Mindset work & Body love Practices LIVE within a space where a women still wants to lose a few lbs. It is really only the diet industry or the non-diet community or is there a grey area??” The Feel Great in 8 Method & this program was born to fill that gap for those that knew they needed to be mindful of their overall wellness long-term while working on their short-term health goals today.

Choose the Program That Works For You

An 8-Week Coarse to redefine your relationship with food & your body in a healthy, kind, & sustainable way!

Tired of trendy programs that never seem to get you the results you want? Tried everything and nothing seems to work? or have you been successful in short-term programs but in your heart, you know you can’t eat that way forever? Lose Weight & Feel Great in 8, is an 8-week online Nutrition & Lifestyle Program based on natural, holistic, safe, and sustainable weight-loss strategies. This program runs every 8 weeks. No counting calories or obsessively weighing food. There are NO DIETS here, this is about gaining a deeper understanding of what to eat when to eat, and how foods impact your body, weight, mood, energy, sleep, and overall health. Say Yes! to delicious tasting meals made with whole, live, natural foods that nourish your body from the inside out. I spent thousands of dollars on weight-loss supplements, programs, and memberships. It was not until I educated myself about how particular nutrients work in our body that I understood how to properly feed myself for true health and happiness. This is why education is strongly emphasized throughout this program to ensure you have the information, resources, and tools to be successful in the future. I want you to have everything I have learned in a way that can fit seamlessly into even the busiest lifestyle. As a working mom, I understand the importance of making meals that are easy, convenient, and satisfying for you and your family. I will Teach, Share, and Work collaboratively with you through your weight-loss journey in a supportive and body-positive way.

  1. Weekly Meal plans include Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, & Drinks
  2. A Non-Meal Plan Approach that allows an option for those that do not do well with meal plans to craft their own using the recipes and food swap tables provided.
  3. Delicious chef-created meal plans and recipes you actually want to eat! with full recipes & instructions
  4. The 8-week program is divided into 5 Phases to address potential nutritional deficiencies, blood sugar, and hormone balance, and support weight-loss goals and to promote vibrant health.
  5. Detailed, printable grocery lists are provided with each meal plan
  6. Mindset Mastery, Lifestyle, Cooking & Shopping like a boss eBooks and worksheets to support you to shift your mindset away from the traditional diet mentality and end the war with your body and food. Lifestyle, cooking, and shopping tips to support you to craft a healthy, sustainable lifestyle that works for you and your budget.
  7. Allergies, Specific Diet preferences, or have a lot of likes/dislikes when it comes to food? No problem! The food swap table and cooking like a boss eBook has you covered. If you need more of a curated custom plan you can add-on the Custom or VIP option and I will do it all for you.
  8. Phase Movement & optional supplement recommendations are included that are aligned with the phase we are working on.
  9. 7-Educational & instructional videos. An Introduction & Weight-Loss Basics video to get you started, followed by 5 educational videos that explain each body system & phase to help you understand the “why” behind each food you are eating at each phase. Lastly, the Final Thoughts video where we bring it all together giving you confidence in your next steps, moving forward.
  10. Private LWFG8 Facebook Group to support you along the way. Here you can ask questions and share, I am here to help you every step of the way and keep you on track.
  11. Weekly accountability check-ins, goals, and resources are provided to keep you engaged and to keep the positive momentum moving forward!
  12. Meal Prep tips. Fitting this into your lifestyle in a simple, affordable way is key. Therefore I lay out how best to set yourself up for a meal prep day so that you are ready for a successful week ahead.
  13. Zoom group chats to check-in during the checkpoints of the program.
  14. Upgrade this package adding a complete Nutritional Profile Assessment, have customization to the meal plans based on your preferences and assessment results, and upgrade your weekly check-in to a 30-minute accountability phone call to support you every step of the way. During these calls, we can make changes and additions for optimal success. Simply add the Program Upgrades (Custom of VIP) to your cart for this additional support throughout the program.

Custom Feel Great in 8!

An 8-Week Coarse to redefine your relationship with food & your body in a healthy, kind, & sustainable way!

This plan includes everything in the basic plan, PLUS:

  1. Includes a 45-min discovery & customization call with me to adapt all food & program recommendations to meet you unique needs.
  2. This customization allows for the plan to work for a couple and/or a family.
  3. This will take into account portions when doing it with your partner (i.e. male & female dietary intake requirements are different). I make those adjustments here.
  4. The grocery list reflects the # of servings needed for your home (i.e, 2 servings for everything for you & your partner & maybe 4 servings for dinner for the kids too!). I do all that work for you.
  5. Allergies, Intolerances, Preferences are all taken into account and included in your customized meal plan & grocery list. No need to cross things out on the basic plan grocery list it’s all customized to you!
  6. Your partner who is doing the program with you can also join the support groups where they can not in the basic program.

An 8-week journey to redefine your relationship with food & your body in a healthy, kind, & sustainable way.

This plan includes everything listed in the Basic & Customized plans, PLUS:

  1. Includes a 1hr NSP Health Assessment & Discovery call
  2. Weekly 30 minute coaching calls with me. We discuss what’s working, what is not, what changes do we need to make, and how to move past mental blocks.
  3. Weekly Growth Mindset work customized to what your specific physical, mental, and emotional needs are.
  4. Weekly Accountability Progress reporting to me
  5. Bonus recipes and “treat” based on your weekly cravings, needs, and life
  6. Got a friends B-day? going on a holiday? Hosting a dinner party, nervous about how to handle an upcoming food event while on the program? No problem! we work this into the meal plan and overall macro week to help you balance it all, meet your goals, while you LIVE your LIFE! without restrictions or worries. I got your back!

This is for those that finished the existing Feel Great in 8 online program and want to keep going. So let’s do it again!


Sad our 8-weeks has come to an end and want to keep going?

No problem. The returning participants can sign-up with the FGI8 group to continue making further progress on your health journey and keep the positive momentum going.

The Benefits of Signing-up again include:

  1. this gives you the opportunity to stay on track with your health & wellness goals
  2. Stay accountable to the program recommendations & meal plans through weekly check-ins.
  3. Attend the Zoom meetings
  4. Continue to ask questions, submit progress reports, and enjoy access to weekly goals to keep you motivated and on-track.
  5. Enjoy a handful of new recipes each session that aligns with the seasons (i.e. pumpkin-spiced flavors in the fall, frozen treats and BBQ burgers in hot summer months, and don’t forget some warming stews and Christmas treats in the winter).
  6. Get updates in your Virtual Swag Bags
  7. Be able to Enter the Contest next round to win a Customized round of BK4B ON ME!

There can be a big learning curve the first round of doing the program, however, now that you have a wealth of knowledge and resources to draw from you can seamlessly continue to master the healthy routines, exercise, self-care and meal prep recommendations so that is all becomes second nature. I am so excited to continue to support you on your path to loving yourself and your body inside and out! See you in the next Feel Great in 8 round!

How about the Full VIP experience this round?

  1. This plan includes everything listed in the Returning Basic & Customized plans above
  2. Includes an initial Assessment & Discovery call
  3. No “swapping” with the food tables, I do it all for you to meet your unique needs/likes/lifestyle/budget
  4. Phase Weekly 15 minute coaching calls with me. We discuss what’s working, what is not, what changes do we need to make, and how to move past mental blocks.
  5. Weekly Growth Mindset work customized to what your specific physical, mental, and emotional needs are.
  6. Weekly Accountability Progress reporting to me
  7. Bonus recipes and “treat” based on your weekly cravings, needs, and life
  8. Got a friends B-day? going on a holiday? Hosting a dinner party, nervous about how to handle an upcoming food event while on the program? No problem! we work this into the meal plan and overall macro week to help you balance it all, meet your goals, while you LIVE your LIFE! without restrictions or worries. I got your back

Additional information


FGI8 Basic, FGI8 Custom, FGI8 VIP, FGI8 Returning Student, FGI8 Returning Student VIP Program


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