Hormonal Havoc to Happy Hormones
If you have been following me for a few years you most likely know my personal story and struggle with ill health and anxiety that eventually lead me to open Rejoice. In 2019, I was honored to have my personal health story featured in a best-selling book, Obstacles Equals Opportunity, and earn the title “best-selling author”. My hope in publishing my journey is that it would resonate with other women and give them hope that we can take control of our health and Rejoice in the most vibrant body possible. The emails and messages I received from women around the globe after the published book hit the shelves saying “my story was exactly their story” was proof that we must take our health and well-being into our own hands.
Part One/ Week One: Hormone Basics 101
Part Two/ Week Two: Stress, Adrenals, & Sex Hormones
We often underestimate the impact stress has on our hormones, mood, sleep, energy level, and libido. As someone who has struggled with adrenal fatigue, I am very familiar with how much time and the work it takes to rebalance and support your adrenals, nervous system, and stress-response in the body. Week Two is all about tangible tools and resources you can use every day to support your Endocrine system which will make you feel amazing!
3) Part Three: PCOS, Endometriosis, & Estrogen Dominance.
Part 4: Hormonal Impacts on Weight, Hair Loss, Skin Health, & Pre-Mature Aging.
Whew! That’s a lot to cover in one week! I feel like I could do a whole month on each of this week’s topics. I will only be scratching the surface on these topics in this series. When I work 1:1 with my coaching clients we can spend 3-6 months just working on one of those areas. I wanted to include as much information I can in our final week together in these three areas because I know how emotional these issues are. Thyroid and Estrogen Dominance can impact hair loss in areas we don’t want and hair growth in areas for women we don’t want. This is emotional and in coaching women, I have heard first hand how this impacts their desire to go out and socialize, decreases confidence, and dramatically impacts their quality of life. This week I will give you as much as I can lovelies and if you want to work closely with me always feel free to schedule a FREE, 15-Minute phone consultation to chat if nutritional counseling is right for you.
I can’t wait to dive into this 4-part series with you on Hormonal Health! Check your email each Sunday for Blog Post and follow along on Rejoice Facebook & Instagram pages for simple and effective resources that relate to the week’s topic.